Saturday, April 23, 2016

Reflections on #EdCampNova

My biggest takeaway was being reminded by lots of awesome educators that I have not been using my existing takeaways enough. @MrGreeneEdu showed me the cool stuff he was doing with Google cardboard, and I haven't jumped on board that technology yet. Many talked about the new Quizlet Live, and I haven't touched Kahoot since September. People who where using Google Classroom were really excited about it, and I've just kind of tolerated my school's Blackbaud LMS all year. I haven't jumped on board the gamification movement, but I'm ok with that because most students at my school are intrinsically motivated and would likely wrinkle their noses at it (although I imagine gamification is amazing for students who could use a little extrinsic motivation).

So many awesome new people to meet, among them @Mspatricianhfb who as an early elementary music teacher is the de facto techie at her school, @MsJForney and @Coreythornblad who were really thoughtful and insightful at the tech integration session that I facilitated, @Hawks_Chris who had an amnesty international sticker on his computer which is awesome, and 
@Gcmlibrary who lent her library. And of course it was lovely to again see @Techymargaret, @Libraryms, @ThatsWightman, @TimStahmer, and @Jenorr who I met at the same conference on a cold day last February.

The conference:

Flawless. So well organized. The NOVA team was a well oiled machine.

Watch the video:

Welp, for the first time in a long time I didn't do 45 minute film school. It's fun but stressful, and not really in keeping with the EdCamp model; I'm not sure if I'll do it for EdCampMetroDC. Here's last year's vid from #EdCampARL for nostalgia:

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