Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Reflections on HackED15!

So about half of the attendees at HackED15 hailed from Kansas, Hawaii, Iowa (love @jgraber), or Cody, Wyoming. I did reconnect with awesome nearby DC people: @jenorr @journeyofjess @srtalisa and @timstahmer. 

I met some excellent new people, like @misspollock. She is so creative and fun. I sat next to her in the group photo, and we had lunch together with @jhox1 - who has been to 28 edcamps (!) which I think is a record.  Since that day, Shauna has introduced me to several thoughtful/fun edtech people like @miamayer @jennifernking and @mrlebrun.

I really enjoyed meeting @KevinHoneycutt. I’m relatively new to the tweetosphere
 and while I was evidently not cool enough for a few of the K12 power tweeters, many were great including @KathySchrock (who helped me find a name tag) and @wfryer and @cordym (who were both super cool).  Kevin blew me away; he was less interested in meeting new people as he was about connecting “young Jedi’s.” He kept pulling putting me in front of people whom he thought I should meet. Good on ya, bro.

I briefly met Peggy Sheehy, and she is amazing, and I really want to learn more about how she brings MMO's into the classroom. No one does this, and she's been doing it for like eight years.

The huge discussion circles of 25 and 30 people seemed to work for most people, but it was too much for me. I just walked around and talked to other people who, like me, were just standing around -- and that was really fun/useful.

So I guess I did not learn much about technology that day, but I did connect with some awesome people who have helped me with technology since then - and I am thankful for that. I am also thankful to @stevehargadon and to everyone who helped organize it.


Wesley Fryer said...

Great to meet you at #HackEd15 as well! I wish more of ISTE was like the HackEd event. Kudos for sharing your passion for EdCamps! We actually just had another one here in Oklahoma yesterday, and we had about 900 attend/participate. I hope EdCamp model PD becomes the norm in the months and years ahead! :-)

Kevin Honeycutt said...

LOVED meeting you! Love how you value connections and the energy you bring to conversations.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the comment Wesley, and man-o-man 900 people at an edcamp may be a record... I need to dive into your youtube channel, it looks awesome.

Unknown said...

Those are some very kind words, I am thankful Kevin! These two comments are two more than I usually get :)